Welcome back to the Six Nations Polytechnic Achievement Centre. Come visit us for our Open House on Thursday, May 12 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM during Community Awareness.
Welcome back to SNP! Come and see what is new at our open house featuring displays, activities and updates by STEAM Academy, Achievement Centre, SNP programs, Deyohaha:ge Indigenous Knowledge Centre, and SNP Board of Governors and CEO/President.
Join us virtually for a conversation with Dr. Cajete on Indigenous
science in education and learn about the work SNP is doing to bring culturally responsive curricula to our health programs!
This non-accredited workshop series is designed to build and enhance an appreciation for Indigenous knowledge, specifically Hodinohso:ni’ thought and philosophy, as a framework when approaching peacebuilding.
This non-accredited workshop series is designed to build and enhance an appreciation for Indigenous knowledge, specifically Hodinohso:ni’ thought and philosophy, as a framework when approaching peacebuilding.