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Summer Kills Autumn and is Herself Killed by Winter - Told by John Armstrong

THERE was a man called DOnWEnWA. This man wouldn't let anyone come into his house. He had two nephews old enough to hunt small game: birds, squirrels and coons. The boys lived in a house near their uncle's and each morning he called to them, saying, "Up, boys! Or the game will be gone." The boys jumped up and were off.

One day the younger boy heard something making a noise. He listened and listened and at last found that the noise came from the ground. He ran to his brother, and said, "Come and help me dig. I hear a noise down in the ground."


Conducting an Oral Interview

This month, we encourage you to tell your stories and record them for your family and generations to come. It is always fascinating to hear stories from the past especially our own stories told by our own ancestors. And with today’s technology, it is so easy to capture stories, events or how-to’s anytime and anywhere. You do not need any fancy recording equipment – most people have a cell phone or know someone who has one. The best technology to use, is the one you know how to work! Don’t forget, always get permission before recording anyone.


The Orphaned Siblings by Taylor Leeal Gibson - June 2018

The Orphaned Siblings by Taylor Leeal Gibson - Edited by Daniel Coleman - June 2018


A Man Chased by the Ancient of Lizards

Once there was a large village where people lived happily and had plenty of meat. At the end of the village lived a man whom few persons noticed.
One night that man had a dream. His dream said, "Something is going to happen to the people of this village. You must tell them to move away within ten days."
The next morning the man went to the center of the village, gathered the people and told his dream...

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The Serpent and the Thunder Man by Elias Cook


The Non-Vanishing American Indian

Images of Indians keep emerging and reappearingin American culture. With every generation, new uses of these Indian images are foundin business, religion, government, education, and entertainment. More has probably been written, sung or filmed about Indians than any other group of Americans. Images that we either love or hate can be seen in the media, in hterature, on film, and on the jerseys of our sports heroes. The "Vanishing American" refuses to vanish...

Click to read full article.


The Myth of the Earth Grasper

A) Characters in the story

De’haen hiondie’sonk - He Tosses About the Sky (He Shakes the Skies) a.k.a. Hoksten’a’ - The Ancient Man

Goksten’a’a - The Ancient Woman, his sister
(This shows the importance of maternal relations)

Her daughter: Awe(n)ha’i’ - Mature Blossoms, Mature Flowers, or Mature Earth

Her son: De’hadon hwendjiyen’dons - He, the Earthquake

De’haon hwendjiawa’khon - He-Earthholder, aka Hoda’he’ - He Has a Standing Tree (Keeper of the Standing Tree)


Legend of the Dipper by Silas Hill

A myth dealing with the origin of a constellation:-
The Dipper (Ursa Major)

A constellation in line with the handle is also mentioned. This is probably part of Bootes.

The redness of autumn leaves is also explained (aetiological)...

Click the link below to read more!


How Corn Was Obtained

There was (once) a virgin man (huya’dawa’di’) who was always generous with his neighbors in the matter of game division.  As a hunter he was both industrious and lucky.


Two Row Wampum Conversation in Cultural Fluency #5

Guest speakers for this conversation include Bob Antone, Rick Hill, Sue Hill & Rick Monture. Deyohahá:ge: Indigenous Knowledge Centre at Six Nations Polytechnic is pleased to share the following lecture series, “Conversations in Cultural Fluency”.