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Track III: Indigenous Leadership

Creating opportunities for self-discovery and personal development. This two day program introduces you to the 7 C’s of the R.E.A.L. School curriculum for reality education and applied life skills training. The 7 C’s are the concepts and skills designed to help you “Get REAL and become the leader in your life!” R.E.A.L. School offers a learning environment that is experiential and interactive in creating opportunities for self-discovery, personal development, and leadership.

This workshop promotes Indigenous cultural learning using the energy sciences and body-based learning activities focusing on the power of breath. Delegates will experience the 7 C’s of the curriculum: Conscious Choice, Curiosity, Courage, Challenge, Change, Commitment, and Communication

Open mind and willingness to put themselves out there!

Each track must have a minimum of 30 participants registered for the track to run.


Sheraton Centre Hotel, 123 Queen Street West, Provincial Ballroom


diane katsitsawaks hill portrait

Diane Katsitsawaks Hill

R.E.A.L. School Program Coordinator
Diane is an Integrative Programs Consultant and Director of Ka’nikonhriyohtshera: Fostering Emergence of the Good Mind – An Experience in Quantum Energy Integration.

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jordan teshakotennyon miller portrait

Jordan Teshakotennyon’s Miller

R.E.A.L. School Program Animator
Jordan works as a Gen 7 – Role Model for the Motivate Canada Youth Program promoting healthy lifestyles through sport and recreation. In March of 2013, Jordan co-created “R.E.A.L. School: Outdoor Leadership Camp” and works in partnership with other R.E.A.L. School animators.

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