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SNP to Launch Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree in September 2022

SNP campus hallway

September 7th, 2021 – Six Nations Polytechnic’s newest degree program, an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Ogwehoweh Languages (HBAOL) launches in September 2022. SNP was the first Indigenous Institute to offer a stand-alone Bachelor of Arts in Ogwehoweh Languages and is now the first to offer an HBAOL. The HBAOL will provide a more immersive experience pushing students’ language skills to the next level. The program incorporates and embeds effective language transmission methods through courses such as Master Apprentice, Immersion Language 1 & 2, and Reading Ogwehoweh Texts.

SNP language degrees are made possible through the contributions of Indigenous Knowledge Guardians, first and second-language speakers, language learners as well as the SNP learning community who share their first-hand knowledge and experience with language revitalization to make SNP’s programming unique and comprehensive.

“The Honours Bachelor of Arts in Ogwehoweh Languages advances SNP’s vision to achieve international distinction for excellence in Indigenous education, Indigenous language revitalization and continuance of Indigenous knowledge. SNP is pleased to launch this new degree during the United Nation’s Decade of Indigenous Languages which, starts next year 2022 to 2032,” Rebecca Jamieson, President/CEO.

Graduates of the HBAOL can join language revitalization efforts throughout Hodinohsó:ni`/ Rotinonhshonni territories as well as colleges, universities, and Indigenous organizations to gain meaningful careers as language teachers, translators, consultants, and curriculum developers. Above all, they can look forward to maintaining Ogwehoweh languages for future generations.

“The HBAOL introduces new courses intended to provide more opportunities for learners to develop their language skills. In many ways, the launch of the HBAOL is a natural progression in SNP’s language program plan to support Ogwehoweh language revitalization and we are grateful to our learning community for helping to create this opportunity,” Sara General-Deer, Vice-President Academic.

Applications will open in late October 2021. Previous graduates of the BAOL program are encouraged to apply to upgrade their degrees. SNP welcomes students of all backgrounds.

About Six Nations Polytechnic

Six Nations Polytechnic is a unique postsecondary organization, recognized by the community, government, and institutions of higher learning, as a Centre of Excellence for Indigenous Knowledge located in Canada’s most populous First Nation. Rooted in Ga’nigohi:yo:/Kanikoriio (Respect and the Good Mind) values, there is no other place where you can invest your time to acquire skills that lead to employment as well as learn about the history, culture and philosophy of Indigenous peoples of the region.

Media Contact
Candace Maracle


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