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Six Nations Polytechnic and TAP Resources are pleased to announce their successful partnership bid to host the 2017 World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Education (WIPCE 2017) in Toronto

SNP campus hallway

Six Nations Polytechnic (SNP) in partnership with TAP Resources is pleased to announce their successful partnership bid to host the 2017 World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Education (WIPCE). Six Nations Polytechnic and TAP Resources will join forces with Tourism Toronto and the Metro Toronto Convention Centre to welcome the world to Toronto in the continued celebration of Indigenous education. 

WIPCE is an International Conference that began 30 years ago. The tenth tri-annual conference held in O’ahu, Hawaii May 17 -24th, 2014 was hosted by the Hawaiian Education Association and welcomed over 3200 delegates from around the globe. WIPCE draws Indigenous representatives such as First Nations (Canada), Native Americans (USA), Aborigines (Australia), Maori (New Zealand), Ainu (Japan), Sami (Norway) and more to share successes and strategies for culturally grounded Indigenous education. The conference attracts highly regarded Indigenous education experts and practitioners. As a result, WIPCE is the largest and most diverse Indigenous education venue in the world. The conference continues to lead the discussion on contemporary movements in education that support Indigenous worldviews. 

SNP is a unique post-secondary organization, recognized by community, government and institutions of higher learning, as a centre of excellence for Indigenous Knowledge. SNP has over 20 years of post-secondary success in partnership with 20 percent of Ontario’s publicly funded universities and colleges. SNP’s mandate of Indigenous Sustainability calls for the perpetual use of Indigenous Knowledge (understood and expressed through language, values and actions) that provides the capacity to live in harmony with the natural world while restoring and maintaining a healthy existence in a nation with diverse citizenship and needs. 

Rebecca Jamieson, President, Six Nations Polytechnic looks to WIPCE 2017 with great optimism. “The WIPCE conference is unparalleled in its inspirational impact. It is an opportunity to affirm Indigenous knowledge and cultures, share best practices and recharge your batteries with hope and commitment 

for the future of Indigenous people and our planet. Six Nations Polytechnic extends a warm welcome to all to attend WIPCE 2017 to share in this positive and empowering experience.” 

Tuesday Johnson-MacDonald President of TAP Resources shares, “We are honoured to be working alongside Six Nations Polytechnic as the lead educational institution on this prominent educational world conference. This next year will be dedicated to building the foundation and securing sponsors as we prepare to deliver another exceptional WIPCE.” TAP Resources is an event management firm that specializes in Indigenous events with a portfolio for assisting many international events such as the World Cycling Champions, Assembly of First Nations Social Cultural Event and the Pan American Men’s Cup. 

WIPCE 2017 promises to be an exciting opportunity to showcase First Nation leadership in Education. Look for ongoing updates and information at 

More than 3,000 people from around the globe will meet in Toronto for WIPCE 2017 to share planned educational, social and cultural events. Denise Wiese, Account Director with Tourism Toronto, “Tourism Toronto is very excited about the announcement that Toronto is to be the host city for WIPCE 2017, and look forward to working with Six Nations Polytechnic and TAP Resources on the prestigious event”.

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