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Six Nations Polytechnic receives World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium accreditation

SNP campus hallway

A formal presentation took place during the World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education (WIPCE), co-hosted by Six Nations Polytechnic

OHSWEKEN, August 2, 2017 – One of the highlights of WIPCE 2017 for Six Nations Polytechnic was receiving WINHEC accreditation for a period of ten years. The WINHEC Accreditation means that an Indigenous-serving institution/school/program’s work:

  • Is framed by the Indigenous philosophy of the Indigenous community it serves,
  • Is soundly conceived and intelligently devised,
  • Integrates Indigenous culture, language, and worldviews into programming,
  • Is purposefully being accomplished in a manner that should continue to merit confidence by the Indigenous constituencies being served.

When granted, accreditation applies to the entire institution/school/program in operation at the time of the most recent full-scale review. In this case, it indicates that the institution has been carefully and thoroughly examined and has been found to be achieving its own particular purposes in a satisfactory manner.

Furthermore, accreditation by the WINHEC Accreditation Authority takes into account and supports the diversity which exists among Indigenous-serving educational institutions, schools, and programs. Quality is evaluated in terms of the purposes the institution seeks to accomplish. Once deemed to have met the criteria established by the WINHEC Accreditation Authority, candidate institutions and programs become full voting members of the WINHEC Accreditation Authority Board with all the rights and privileges specified in the enclosed Guiding Principles.

“This accreditation is recognized by Indigenous people from around the world and is seen as a very powerful unification of Indigenous educators. I feel that it acknowledges what Six Nations Polytechnic has accomplished to date, and confirms that our peers agree that SNP has met a high standard of Indigenous education.”
- Kevin Martin, Board Chair, Six Nations Polytechnic

“Accreditation with WINHEC is significant as the accreditation process is framed from Indigenous perspectives, premises, and values that align with the relevant Indigenous experience, Indigenous world views, knowledge, and languages as well as ways of knowing and being. No other accreditation process can address these matters in the same way or to the same depth of responsibility and rigour required to maintain the integrity of Indigenous knowledge systems.
- Rebecca Jamieson, President, Six Nations Polytechnic

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