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Six Nations Polytechnic Receives D2L Excellence Award

SNP campus hallway

Kitchener, Waterloo April 16, 2020- Six Nations Polytechnic STEAM Academy was recognized today with an Excellence Award by global learning technology leader D2L (Desire2Learn). Six Nations Polytechnic STEAM Academy has worked to integrate the technology platform into its learning environment. The school strives to provide innovative approaches that support student success and parental engagement.

The D2L Excellence awards recognize educators, trainers and leaders in employee engagement who have used the Brightspace platform to deliver learning experiences that are innovative, collaborative, or have made an extraordinary impact on learning outcomes (

“The Six Nations Polytechnic teaching and learning community is pleased to acknowledge and congratulate the SNP STEAM Academy for being selected as one of the five recipients of the 2020 D2L Excellence Awards. With this learning platform, students and parents have additional opportunities to be engaged and supported in their learning journey. The outcomes for us, were clearly shown when we saw course credit success rates at 95% in the fall 2019 semester.” said Rebecca Jamieson, President and CEO, Six Nations Polytechnic.

Six Nations Polytechnic STEAM Academy Principal Zandra Bear-Lowen also spoke about the award “Just as our students are a diverse and unique group of individuals, their learning needs are as well. Our staff uses D2L to present each of our courses in a blended learning format, with content presented to students both online and face to face. The platform also allows our parents and guardians to be active partners in their student's learning. They can view due dates, monitor student progress, see samples of student work, as well as having a straightforward way to stay in touch with our educational staff. These tools, combined with Hodinohsó:ni ̚values, ensure that each of our students receives a personalized educational experience here at the SNP STEAM Academy.”

About Six Nations Polytechnic STEAM Academy:
Six Nations Polytechnic is a unique post-secondary Institution, recognized by the community, government and institutions of higher learning, as a centre of excellence for Indigenous Educations. SNP has more than 25 years of postsecondary success in partnership with Ontario’s publicly funded universities and colleges. The SNP STEAM Academy is a grade 9-14 technology-rich secondary school where students create their own pathways to high-skilled jobs. It is open to all secondary school learners and programming is focussed on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) program pathways.

For more information please contact:
Nichole Martin
Phone: (519) 445-0023 ext. 6251

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