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Indigenous co-hosts win national award for best conference - WIPCE 2017

SNP campus hallway

Six Nations Polytechnic and Tap Resources took home the award for Best Conference at the 2018 Canadian Event Industry Awards for their work on the World Indigenous Peoples Conference on Education (WIPCE) on Wednesday, March 21st in Toronto.

In January, the partners received the regional Best Conference Award for the WIPCE conference and were automatically advanced to the national level.

WIPCE is a triennial international event that attracts highly regarded Indigenous education experts, practitioners, and scholars from around the globe. The conference leads the discussion on contemporary movements in education that support Indigenous worldviews. The 2017 conference with over 3,000 participants was held in Toronto.

“The WIPCE conference was unparalleled in its inspirational impact," said Rebecca Jamieson, President & CEO of Six Nations Polytechnic. "We’re thrilled to have been chosen as one of the best conferences in Canada and hope to see this legacy carried forward with future WIPCE conferences.”

The Canadian Event Industry Awards are the hallmark of achievement in the Canadian event and meeting industry. The program was established in 1997 as a platform for event and meeting professionals from each major discipline of the industry to be recognized and celebrated for their talent, hard work and success.

“It is the first time an Indigenous program and collaborative has won this recognition in Canada," said Tuesday Johnson-MacDonald, President of Tap Resources & Associates. "It was truly an honour to be recognized by my peers in the Industry.”

WIPCE draws Indigenous representatives such as First Nations (Canada), Native Americans (USA), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (Australia), Maori (New Zealand), Ainu (Japan), Sami (Norway), and more to share successes and strategies for culturally grounded Indigenous education.


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