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Get to know Six Nations Polytechnic’s Alumni: Tania Henry

Tania, a first-generation language learner and speaker, had limited opportunities to learn the language as a child. With her only exposure being at school, she decided to enroll into an adult immersion program to improve her everyday language skills. Eager to continue her language education, Tania pursued SNP’s Honours Bachelor of Arts in Ogwehoweh Languages (HBAOL) program! 

The HBAOL program offered at Six Nations Polytechnic is a fully accredited four-year Honours undergraduate degree focusing on Mohawk or Cayuga language and is organized into four streams: language, grammar, lifelong learning, and community engagement. Throughout the Honours program, learners will have an immersive language experience. Tania chose to pursue the HBAOL program through the Gayogǫhǫ́:nǫ’ – Cayuga language stream. Despite being Seneca Nation, she opted to learn Cayuga because it is the most commonly spoken language at ceremonies and events that she regularly attends! 

Tania shares the transformative impact the HBAOL program had on her life. Through this program, she not only gained confidence in her speaking skills but also found a supportive community of language instructors and learners! “What I learned in this program is absolutely invaluable and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to learn from some really awesome instructors and alongside some equally awesome learners. The language, knowledge, and cultural teachings I gained at SNP made me a better woman, a better mother, a better practitioner in our ceremonies, and just an all-around better human being.”

One of Tania’s most memorable moments was when fluent language speakers would visit her class. She notes, “we were able to hear the Cayuga language being spoken fluently. This time was so precious and just so valuable to me and my classmates.” As she looks back on those memories, Tania expresses gratitude for the opportunity, especially now that many of the language speakers have since passed away. Tania's determination to continue learning stems from a deep desire to honour their memory and make them proud.

After successfully obtaining her degree, Tania was able to confer the HBAOL program with her teaching certification to give her a Bachelors Degree in Education. She is currently working as SNP’s Cayuga Language Instructor as part of the University Unit. Looking ahead, Tania hopes to continue her education by applying to a Masters Program at Western University for the 2025 academic year.

Tania’s advice to those considering enrolling into the HBAOL program is to “just do it. We need as many of our people as possible to be learning our languages. So don’t wait. We need you!” Visit to learn more about SNP language programs.