Our Vision
Our Vision is to achieve international distinction for excellence in Indigenous education, Indigenous language revitalization, and continuance of Indigenous knowledge.
Our Mission
The mission of SNP STEAM Academy is to provide students with the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes to create a pathway that enables them to become confident, proficient, and skilled leaders of their community and society in general. STEAM Academy's two main priorities are:
1) Support Student Success
2) Mobilize Indigenous Knowledge
Our Philosophy
SNP STEAM Academy is guided by and rooted in the words of Mr. Harvey Longboat:
“If a people do not keep pace with others perhaps it is because they hear a different drummer. Allow them to step in harmony to the music which they hear however measured or far away. All elements of the natural world are connected physically and spiritually and are to interrelate to each other to benefit the whole. The responsibility falls on the people to peacefully maintain nature’s delicate balance to ensure that unborn generations can enjoy what we enjoy today. SNP STEAM Academy accepts this responsibility and is devoted to facilitating the will and determination of the Six Nations and surrounding communities to maintain an environmentally friendly world through education, training, and research.”
Harvey Longboat Sr. – 1994
Our Values
We believe in the values of a good mind and hold all of our students accountable to demonstrating these values which include:
Hodinohsó:ni’ Values of Ga’nigo ̨̱hí:yo: / Ka’nikonhrí:io
Fairness (gędęǫh́hsra’) (kentenrónhshera) (odihwagwaíhshyǫ)
Sharing (degai̱hwakahsǫ́hsra’) (aterihwakhahsiónhshera) (adę̱nidę:sä:)
Honesty (odrihwagwai̱hsǫ́hsra’) (aterihwakwarihsióntshera) (gaya’da:dęnih)
Kindness (adęnidę́ǫ̱hsra’) (ateniteróntshera’) (adęnidę:sä:)
Confidentiality (adrihwa̱hséhdǫ̱hsra’) (aterihwahsehtónshera’) (gaihwahséhdih)
Consistency (oihwadógę̱hsra’) (aterihwatokéntshera’) (gaihwadó:gęh)
Integrity (oya’dawádǫ̱hsra’) (atkwenióntshera’) (ganihgǫhęwá:nę)
Responsibility (adrihǫdá:tsra’) (aterihontátshera) (gaihwayę̱dáhgwih)
Responsiveness (adehsrǫníhsǫ̱hsra’) (kariwahserakwáhshera’) (gaihwasá:gwę̱h)
Cooperation (gayenawáhsra’) (kaienawáhshera’) (gayenawáhsä)
Openness (ganhodǫgwę́hsra’) (kanhotonkwénhshera’) (ganigǫhí:yok)
Trustworthiness (oihwadóge̱hsra’) (tekaniahesénhtshera’) (hoyada:dę:ni)

Actua is a leading Canadian science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) youth outreach organization. Each year, the Actua network engages over 375,000 youth in 600 communities across Canada in transformative STEM learning experiences that build critical skills and confidence. Please visit www.actua.ca.