The goals of the Indigenous Knowledge Centre take learners and scholars along Two Roads, or parallel paths of thinking, both of which offer people tools, strategies, and perspectives upon which a future can be built. Deyohahá:ge (Two Roads): is dedicated to bringing together two streams of consciousness – the ancestral Indigenous knowledge with the best of modern academic knowledge – in order to advance the overall well-being of all peoples. The two main goals to accomplish this vision are:
- Preservation and nurturing of Indigenous knowledge and wisdom.
- Nurturing and fostering community-based research that incorporates Indigenous knowledge in all fields.
Deyohahá:ge: provides a balanced platform for Indigenous research and knowledge sharing. The Centre provides for more Indigenous input into research, more respect for Indigenous research protocols, and more benefits of research to the local communities. At the same time, local communities benefit from more access to research findings. Deyohahá:ge: is dedicated to sharing what students and scholars have learned and building upon what has already been done to help Indigenous communities recover, preserve and protect the knowledge of their ancestors.
Through this effort, Deyohahá:ge: will also help to address the knowledge gap that exists in society with respect to the history of the country, the experience of Indigenous peoples, the impacts of colonization and trauma, and the outstanding obligations that remain to be addressed (access to lands, resources, cultural and language revitalization, etc.).
Deyohahá:ge: will work towards becoming the key resource for Indigenous Knowledge to inform, enhance and create sustainable and enduring cultural content in all programs and services directly through its Hodinohso:ni collections archives.
Champions for Change Conference
Champions for Change is SNP’s signature fundraising campaign that supports SNP’s institutional goal of advancing the research, development and mobilization of Indigenous knowledge, languages and community-based postsecondary education delivery.
SNP has made incredible progress to revitalize and advance Hodinohso:ni language and culture, to increase academic achievement, retention and completion rates of learners and to expand their program offering.
Past Conferences

Indigenous Knowledge Guardians
The Indigenous Knowledge Guardians honoured are our experts, our knowledge authorities by their areas of expertise.

Faculty & Staff
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