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Past Events

Person on stage

Lunch & Learn: Mini Language Lessons Mohawk or Cayuga (Brantford)

In this Cayuga language session, you will learn phrases such as how to introduce yourself, some everyday phrases, and a short version of the Ganohonyohk. 

In this Mohawk language session, you will learn phrases such as how to introduce yourself, some everyday phrases, and a short version of the Ohenton Karihwatehkwen.

Registration required

Lunch & Learn: Mini Language Lessons Mohawk or Cayuga (Ohsweken)

In this Cayuga language session, you will learn phrases such as how to introduce yourself, some everyday phrases, and a short version of the Ganohonyohk. 

In this Mohawk language session, you will learn phrases such as how to introduce yourself, some everyday phrases, and a short version of the Ohenton Karihwatehkwen.

Registration required

front entrance to Six Nations campus

SNPLO Event - Six Nations Campus

At SNP, we believe that community feedback is essential for the development of meaningful education.  By engaging our community in the creation of Institutional Learning Outcomes and expectations, we ensure that our educational framework aligns with our community needs, is rooted in Indigenous methodologies and is guided by our shared values.

entrance to STEAM Academy

SNP STEAM Academy Open House

Háo’ ki takwaná:tahr tsi STEAMhne (come visit us at STEAM) to learn about all the exciting and innovative programming we offer STEAM Academy High School.

Take a tour of the campus and experience our science, robotics, e-sports, Ehsahdok(grade 9), language/culture, lacrosse, archery, and art/music programs.

Light refreshments and door prizes will be available!

student smiling


Indigenous Post-Secondary Information Program

Are you considering furthering your education, but unsure of where to begin? Take advantage of this opportunity to chat with recruiters from over 20 post-secondary schools across Ontario!

All Students Welcome! Chili will also be available!

Raffle for a $100 Amazon Gift Card, or Apple AirPods!

12:30 - 2:30 pm | Brantford Campus Cafeteria - 411 Elgin Street, Brantford

5:00 - 7:00 pm | Six Nations Campus - 2160 4th Line Road, Ohsweken

front of campus building

Six Nations Campus Open House

Join SNP at our Six Nations campus to learn about the programs we offer, see the facilities, ask questions and much more! Prizes and light refreshments will be available. SNP apparel will be for sale.

Local craft vendors will be there!